Launching ViaCAD now opens another (hidden) application here:
~/.gs5/Punch ViaCAD 2D3D
I looked inside the package, it just seems to contain nothing but links back to the real ViaCAD package in the Applications folder. I don™t see the point. It is not normal behaviour for a Mac Application.
If you use the Dock to open it, it works, but then if you want to switch back to it by the Dock, you have to click on the new app that opens. If you click on the dock icon you placed, it will open a second instance of ViaCAD, which is NOT normal on a Mac. If you keep doing this, only the first two instances get a ViaCAD icon (with the circle symbol on top) after this you get generic app icons with the circle.
If you use Alfred or spotlight to open ViaCAD by typing the first few letters of its name, it will work, but if you try to switch to an already open ViaCAD, it will open a new instance, which is not good.
Command-Tab for switching apps works when ViaCAD is already open, although you see the icon with the grey circle with a diagonal line through it over the icon . It should be up to the user to choose the method of switching, not having to work around a developer that wants to think different. I might use the Dock icon if my hand is on the mouse, or Alfred if I™m typing at the time.
I've seen other bugs, I'll report them separately,
G__ attached the following image(s):
ViaCAD 9 icon.png
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