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Angle Constraint -- Any possibility to do?
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I'm having an issue trying to set an angle constraint, and it appears SharkCAD cannot do it. I'm probably 90% done mimicking the 28-minutd FreeCAD 1.0 Beginner tutorial Exercise #5 (by Computerized Engineering)
See image. It's the part in the gray circle where I'm struggling to mimic angle fixing. I tried the "Locked" constraint, but it causes the sketch to shift based on whatever dimensions i edit.
"FreeCAD 1.0 Beginner Tutorial | Exercise 5"
https://youtube.com/watch?v=aL2TPlaSse0& File Attachment(s):
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Quote: I'm having an issue trying to set an angle constraint, and it appears SharkCAD cannot do it.
In the Constraints toolbar select the "Smart Dimension" tool. Hold down the "Shift" key and click on the first leg of the angle, then the second leg. The angle will now display. To change this angle, press the "Tab" key and enter the desired angle in the "Text" box in the data window.
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Originally Posted by: mitchb Quote: I'm having an issue trying to set an angle constraint, and it appears SharkCAD cannot do it.
In the Constraints toolbar select the "Smart Dimension" tool. Hold down the "Shift" key and click on the first leg of the angle, then the second leg. The angle will now display. To change this angle, press the "Tab" key and enter the desired angle in the "Text" box in the data window.
Thanks, MitchB.
Shift seems to not generate a cue for angles of the geometry, just angled positioning of the dimensions. But, your suggestion made me retry.
So, I managed to achieve setting the angle to a fixed value by constraining the length after (and later) adjusting it, letting it itself control the length.
Again, thanks
The revolved part in the FreeCAD vid, when I revisited it, made me see conteol consoles, so, that's why this image is different from the previous one.
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Clarification: To maintain the angle where a person's arms might be, I had to constraint it to the short horizontal piece at top of to the vertically-constrained segment to the immediate left. Then that angled panel's bottom edge had to be constrained to the other vertically-constrained edge that would be by a user's stomach. I wish that the dimensions tools would auto-sense the geometry scale units and place onscreen dimensions that aren5 like 5x the size of the item dimensioned.
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Damnit. Saying no to over constraining caused my file to blow up. Was the first time I ever saw an over/under constrained notice. I had not saved for over 3 or 4 hours, and had done maybe 40 minutes of work. Mostly decomposing the hyper-limited standing and sitting male figures. Didn't have auto save on. I wish SharkCAD would periodically, regardless of save type settings, would kee a stealthily backed up version for crash recovery — especially if the file is so small that relative system resources it could afford to back up every few seconds.
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The over/under constraints choices arose when, after I added a surface to the constrained sketch, I thickened the surface, then tried 3 times to add a smart dimension. If it succeeded, I would have tried to control the thickness. But, the app spontaneously CRASHED. The file was only 117 kb. I have 296 mb of a ship file with thousands of layers, and by time per session and quantity of objects, and 2gb to 6 gb in RAM, that file hardly crashes, in comparison. Sigh.
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Is the sketch completely flat? That can happen and then nothing else works right
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Hi, Thanks for asking. Yes, I checked all the lines, verified all at Y=0. Had prior to the crash successfully created a cover surface on it. I later found the file that crashed, and thought I'd lost it because when Shark crashes, and tossed palettes, it also seemes to toss Most Recently Used or Last-Used listings. I inadvertently still opened the wrong file. After the crash, 2 of the 3 Custom Palettes were gone. Luckily, I had in earlier December by chance backed up everything into a just-in-case-shark-tosses-my-settings folder. Saves a lot of stress to be able to just immediately copy over. As for the crash, I suspect it happened due to some kind of bad symbols (I'm not a programmer, so, I'm just guessing) caused when I doggedly kept trying to use the Constraints Dimension tool on the cover surface made on the profile (got some error mesage besides the over/under constraints error, too, IIRC). I tried maybe 3 times. At some point, I repeatedly tested Constraint dimensioning and then that's around when it spontaneously crashed. The crash, IIRC, has not repeated. Still, as the file was less than 500 kb, and that instance of SharkCAD had not been used to open large files (such as my now 298 mb ship design, which is between 2gb and 6 gb in RAM depending on how many hide/show acts I do). I suppose the Local/temp file has junk that Shark sniffed and fainted, so to speak. Again, thanks for engaging. Happy New Year, all!
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You could try a part clean up and delete all old things in it. There may be some odd left over that is messing it up, can't remember but think it's under FILE, or maybe EDIT.
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ViaCAD & Shark
Angle Constraint -- Any possibility to do?
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