Thanks, Magicart,
The symbols would only be useful in Model-to-Sheet
for me. I would want to use the Hole Tool, and place an
accurate, editable hole in a solid, and have it transfer to
Model-to-Sheet, and update when the Model changes.
All I was really asking for is what was promised for Version 11,
and I don’t think that’s going to happen.
I’ll just enter 49 Degrees for an 82 Degree countersink.
, and do the work arounds for simplified threaded holes.
SharkCAD Pro seems to be going backwards instead of forward.
Even Vellum3D had a correct Symbol, 25 years ago.
You need 82 Degrees, that’s what you get 82 Degrees.
I also asked for the SNAP TEXT to be edited for color and
size or be transparent for the PC.
I received only 1 response from the developers 15 years ago.
Shark is a great software, and I hope development continues.
L. Banasky attached the following image(s):

(116kb) downloaded 5 time(s).
Old post for Snaps color and text.jpg
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