Originally Posted by: Jolyon 
Very impressive (visual) model
You're right. I'm a visualizer. Therefore, this model is based entirely on the reference images. To build real car based on this model is not possible.:)
Originally it was a surface project. I tried to model this entirely using standard Sharks surface tools. I like CAD modeling for its accuracy. But I did not succeed. I did not find a way to seamlessly "sew" this a smooth streamlined shape.
For my work a fast result is very important. Therefore, I use various ways of modeling. It was an attempt to see if I can use Shark for this type of objects.
This is not a critique of PunchCAD. ViaCAD was my first CAD software. I do not have time to learn another soft.
So I want to get the most out of it.@NeuTechFLA was the first who showed Shark in a serious project. Prior to that, I have not seen anything like it. It was a serious impulse for me.
Originally Posted by: Jolyon 
However, can a poly model ever be part of a (physical) design process ?
I'm not competent in engineering. Yes, SubD modeling has no high precision. But I think that many organic- and free-form objects can be modeled polygonally. In combination with NURBS, it works great in many industrial areas. Product/packaging modeling etc... Why not? 3D Printing, Sketching, Concept Design, Prototyping are in any case.