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Dean Sorry - I feel I've misled you. The 'create open solid' trick is just that - a trick that is sometimes useful (... in allowing you to use the solid feature tool set on surfaces) It is not the right way - the right way is to ... 1.) ... get the 'Surface Rad Blend' tool working - and I cannot see why it shouldn't in this circumstance Happy to try it - if you wanna share these 2 surfs). If it doesn't work - it's a 'special case' and it needs fixing. ... or 2.) to treat the air dam as it's own product and stitch an airtight solid which you then feature-up with rad blends and shell as you would any injection molded item Jol
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Jol, Trust me, ALL of the input helps. I know I am way ahead of the curve on all these things as I am not working on release data. I am simply commenting on what I am seeing. I will take all the great input and at some point swing back to employ all the great techniques. I guess I can help the cause by keeping the comments to a minimum while I Noob my way through this boondoggle. Thanks
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Not at all - for me this is really fascinating You (and a couple of the other 'new guard' if you like) - are not only finding, but verbalising frustrations we've all felt (or still feel but just 'work around'). Having you guys pick tools apart (just as we have constantly over many years) is critical for moving the product forward ( ... of course, it requires the development team to listen - which mostly they do) Dev. naturally has to balance resources / requirement for new tools and so on - and so don't always answer our 'obvious' issues as quickly as we'd like : )
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Originally Posted by: Jolyon Dean Sorry - I feel I've misled you. The 'create open solid' trick is just that - a trick that is sometimes useful (... in allowing you to use the solid feature tool set on surfaces) It is not the right way - the right way is to ... 1.) ... get the 'Surface Rad Blend' tool working - and I cannot see why it shouldn't in this circumstance Happy to try it - if you wanna share these 2 surfs). If it doesn't work - it's a 'special case' and it needs fixing. ... or 2.) to treat the air dam as it's own product and stitch an airtight solid which you then feature-up with rad blends and shell as you would any injection molded item Jol
No worries...I appreciate all the time you guys take to help a fallen soldier.
Your 1. What I found is my original surfaces are creating a situation where it's not only two surfaces that make up the area that is giving a challenge. Although, in my mind, it should not matter if it's 3, 4 or 8 surfaces...the rad should go as you have said. If I stump again, I will send it to you over the weekend
Your 2. Yes, this is the tried and true way to do it. I have been using offset surfaces from the main body surfaces to keep the relationships/contours consistent. That may have been my first detrimental detour with Shark? I am not sure yet how it considers these types of relationships for downstream use.
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N.T.FLA, have you considered that you don't have to have the surfaces joined at the edge to blend them, you can overlap them and trim back afterwards. It can give you completely different results (in some attempts of mine, better) to what you might think should be neatly connected edges
Edited by user Friday, February 2, 2018 8:54:39 AM(UTC)
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Hi Dean OK - Ping ! ... now I think I understand the original issue You want to run a surface blend across multiple surfaces - thus the reason you 'joined' the surfaces making up side A and side B (of the blend) respectively This is good logic as the surface blend does NOT accept more than one surface on side A and one surface on side B I think this is a failing ... and the devs should definately look at improving this - I'm quite sure ACIS allows for this !! So, Q ... how did you join the surfaces on side A (for example) ? Did you use the 'Join Surface' tool ... - could you try to 'Add Surface' instead ? - and does this allow you to use the 'Surface Fillet' tool as you'd expect ? Jol
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Originally Posted by: murray N.T.FLA, have you considered that you don't have to have the surfaces joined at the edge to blend them, you can overlap them and trim back afterwards. It can give you completely different results (in some attempts of mine, better) to what you might think should be neatly connected edges
Yes I had that in mind assuming it a non-issue when modeling and I have had good success with blends on surfaces that abide within the rules. This is why is stumped me when the blends failed. It seems I have ran across issues that Jol has verified are indeed real, that is the code somewhat falls down when blending across multiple boundaries of joined surfaces. I am also getting resultant slivers when joining as well. My example may simply be the "Perfect Storm" of variables that have identified, from what it sounds like, is a known issue.
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Jol, I will look at this later today when I get an opportunity. Thanks
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Short night....
Jol, modify slope is looking promising. I see the slope doesn't stay attached in all cases. but it's better than nothing. thanks....
P.S. Immediately following the creation of this image...Shark crashed for no apparent reason. Vets...in your experience, how stable is Shark in daily use?
Edited by user Saturday, February 3, 2018 6:08:14 AM(UTC)
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These days it's pretty stable - which I'm grateful for as it hasn't always been. (This may have been as much due to ACIS as Shark / VC) It rarely crashes on me these days That said - I'm so careful to have autosave ON and saving every 8 mins If you have an SSD you don't notice even large files saving - (And I have a system backup of course) For me, whilst most of the tools work really pretty well, some need fleshing out (- as you have found with the surf blend tool) - but it's mostly pretty stable !
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I am running Shark on a screaming SSD tower with oodles of RAM and graphics. I run other CAD on it with rarely a crash. So when Shark would frequently bail on me, I wondered if it was it or my Noob clicking/spinning/etc that freaked it out. As I get more in phase with it, I am sure it will like me better. As far as file management, one of the best features in Creo is integral sequential file (revision) saving. When saving in Creo, each save creates a file with a rev number (I.E. Current.prt.1, .2, .3) This allows one to go back and get an earlier version of the part if something unwanted happens in the current version. Creo uses cache memory functions as well. No other system does this automatically that I am aware of...possibly Catia. Anyway, as I have been learning Shark, I have been saving files with explicit revision numbers to mimic Creo's magic. For example, I am on Mustang-172-fork-m.sfx. It has saved me (pun intended) a number of times so far on the Mustang. When I found myself in the proverbial corner a week ago, I went back about 40 revs and moved on from that way-point. I think had I been saving all along with explicit saves I would be on Mustang-266.sfx as I have "forked off" a few times along the road when I got stuck in NoobVille. Cheers.
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Yes - smart 'revisioning no's', a 'post-it note' area that is apparent when opening a file - and bigger file snapshots (utilising file quicklook on the mac) would definitely help me get less "forked off" with regard keeping track of revs.
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A friend from Japan saw I was learning Shark by modeling the Mustang and challenged me to model the 2000GT for the next one!
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Go for it!!!! You'll either end up divorced and grey or ..... well is there another option? :-)
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Originally Posted by: UGMENTALCASE Go for it!!!! You'll either end up divorced and grey or ..... well is there another option? :-)
I am already the latter....never want to be the former! :o)
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I have not forgotten my challenge. My real J-O-B suddenly became over abundant and I have had no time to make Mustangs. I will be back at it as time (and energy)permits.
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I was able to steal away some time tonight.
What's up with Perspective? Is it only me?
And the mint green is starting to irritate me! Paint job coming soon.
Edited by user Thursday, February 15, 2018 8:06:02 PM(UTC)
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Yes that's typical with perspective. You can sometimes get rid of the broken up look by changing the focal length setting, but then the 'amount' of perspective can look wrong. You can also try using clip at Eye point. It's definitely a problem with Shark because a similar model in Rhino on the same computer will look fine. Nick
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Originally Posted by: NeuTechFLA What's up with Perspective? Is it only me?
When you use the Photo Render Tool (Window> Photo Render) You can create high resolution images with perspective. The errors will be fixed when making a high res picture.
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OS: Windows 10 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 | RAM: 32 GB | Graphic: AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 | SharkCAD 15 Pro | Unit: mm
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Thank you for the information.
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