I am a new user of ViaCAD Pro 10 and quite happy with the much possibilities and ease for creating models.
I used modelling software like TrueSpace ages ago but got never much modelling experience as a software developer.
So it was easy to build a small table-like structure by extruding a block based on a rounded rectangle (push/pull) function and cutting several holes using the CutOut solid function until anything looked fine.
I did then the "3D-Print Check" which found no problems and exported the result to a STL-file to use it with the Repetier-Host slicer to produce a G-Code file for my 3D-Printer (a RepRap like Renkforce RF500). The slicer warned me, that my STL-File wasn't "manifold" and when I printed it parts where missing.
I also got similar warnings for the STL files when analyzing them with FreeCad or looking at them with the Win10 3D print view (this was the fastest way to see something wrong in STL files, the 3D-printed objects looked exactly like this Win10 Preview).
What I missed (related to e.g. TrueSpace) is a function that merges / melts / recalculates faces after extrusions or boolean operations.
What I need to do (or avoid) getting problems with turned around and doubled faces, face-normals etc. after such complex operations ?
I know that must be done before meshing to a STL, but what must be done before meshing to get STL models with an intact hull?
I even tried repairing the STLs with FreeCad and several NetFabb etc. but that resulted in totally broken models.
PS: I attached the model file.
Edited by user Friday, April 7, 2017 2:05:04 AM(UTC)
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