Hello Jason
Thanks for your fast answer
1. Is this spline drawn in 2d or 3d? , same plane? : 2D
2. How many pts are you trying? : Any, even 3 points do not work
3. Are you snaping to certain existing geometry?, what snaps do you have on? No, I create spline from empty file, but if I try to snap to existing geometry (like in the "draw goblet tutorial"), it does not work.
All snaps are on but 4 last ones (as I use french version, not sure about translation, but the ones off are "faces, plan, grid, plan only". I tried to remove all snaps, does not change.
4. Is there already existing 2d or 3d geometry in your file? : no, started from scratch
5. Can you create a sample file and try to draw a couple of splines and post it. : check here :
https://1drv.ms/u/s!Am32YRTOiPhegcgHcVDkYM0-qLSQ0Q. Sorry, not sure how to post a file.
In this file, one spline is showing, I drew 2 more (elow the visible one) that are just not there.
Best regards