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#1 Posted : Friday, April 1, 2016 9:03:26 AM(UTC)

Rank: Senior Member

Joined: 9/29/2014(UTC)
Posts: 269

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Here’s a small list of suggestions I have. Some of them have already been suggested by other members on here and I am incuding to show that I am in agreement.

1. Any chance I can have the Constraints back? I don’t understand why it was removed in the first place. It's what helped me NOT have to use solidworks. Recently I’ve even been experimenting with Fusion 360 because it is native Mac, but who doesn't prefer the ease of Shark?! Bringing back Constraints makes Shark much more well-rounded. Some people don’t want to use it – fine, but I mostly work on developing low-cost, mass produced case goods that often are derivatives of one another.. When I want to turn an end table design into a coffee table, its nice to have those constraints available to do so without having to create all new geometry. Just a matter of re-saving the end table as a new file and changing the dimensions. So many reasons to have constraints.

2. Sketch mode would be fantastic (if we’re going to have constraints, then sketch mode really is mandatory)

3. Ability to create Parts/Assemblies and cross reference them across any file (if we’re going to have constraints and sketch mode, then Parts and Assemblies become mandatory)

I only have experience as a solid modeler, and know nearly nothing about the other kinds of modeling:

4.More tutorials on how to use all of the SubD modeling tools
5. More Nurbs tutorials from beginning to advanced

6. Fastener maker - screws/bolts/washers/nuts - by numerical input (using ANSI / ISO standards)

7. Mortise and Tenon tool (as suggested recently by one another member here)

8. Would it be too much to ask for a Dowel tool? I envision it as one that is a cross between the cylinder tool and the hole tool. Instantly makes a wood dowel or metal locating pin of any length or diameter, with matching holes, and includes space for tolerance, all between two joined panels. I work with a lot of ready to assemble products that involve heavy use of dowels. This would make my work so much easier.

9. Star drawing tool (with ability to change angle from acute to obtuse, as well as numerical input of how many points)

10. More primitive shapes, particularly Polyhedrons for further form exploration

11. Unfolding tool (useful for both packaging and sheet metal)

12. Select tool extended to allow option for point select, edge select, and face select.

13. Chamfer angle invert option – to easily switch the two angles when inputted. Saves one from having to manually copy/paste/retype in case the angles are switched the first time.

14. Better synergy between xls files (BOM) and Shark. Would be nice if I can change dimensions in excel and they update my geometry in Shark.

Hope others might find some use in any of these, because I know I'd love to see them in Shark 10.
thanks 1 user thanked flatpack for this useful post.
GARLIC on 4/1/2016(UTC)
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