Enable selection of a given curve or set of curves to be "not part of Arc Length U Parameterization" with the ability to specify which direction is "immune" to the ALUP"
None of the tools available give me a pair of surfaces with matching edges, no matter what I try. So, the only thing I can think of is for there to be a way to tell ALUP to ignore doing ALUP beyond or between a pair of or certain selected curves. Something like this is really needed when the user CANNOT accept more than a one-piece hull or fuselage.
Reason for request:
My model has near its amidships point some wonky curvature of the hull. It takes on -- in just the amidships area -- the "hungry horse" or stoved-in bit of hull. I thought it was related to bad curves, but I faired them as best as I could in SLT, and eventually removed the curve from selection when I recreated the hull surface. Still, the hungry horse look with some exaggeration (not just a "pushed in panel in a hot weld area look"), as if a huge, sticky hand pulled on the hull about 3 inches below the waterline.
After I recreate the surface (skipping the suspected "bad" curve) and view the model and nudge control points, I get my sonar dome to look as well as I can, given all the local tension and distortion effects I cannot seem to escape from. But, the hull distortion near amidshps won't go away unless I apply ALUP. But, applying ALUP then severely distorts the sonar dome. The hull is one piece, and it needs to be one piece so I can avoid having multiple hull pieces, which would mean multiple sets of curves for decks and waterlines curves and surfaces due to a chopped-up model.
So, without ALUP, the sonar is decent, but the hull some "gravity"/tension/strain effect that pulls parft of the surface inward. With ALUP applied, the hull improves markedly (as viewed with facet edges turned on), but the dome takes on a bit of distortion, which occurs near the transition/radius from almost flat plate to the upper curv transition to the sonar's body. I've tried removing, readjusting, and adding more curves to try to "tame" the distortion, but it takes days to suss it all out. ALUP is the major cause or exposer of it, but I cannot "control" where ALUP starts and stops. It appears to be "all or none" .
Turning off Arc Length V Parameterization, but leaving on the U parameterization seemed to help, but it does not really.
I've thought of "cheating", by using ALVP & ALUP on, for the area abaft the sonar head, and then using a copy of the model to show just the sonar head, but that returns me to the problem of matching up the seams. They refuse to alignin the vertical
Interestingly, when I sliced the hull horizontally, at the baseline and created the majority of the dome below z=0, I can wrangle the curves and have another type of adjustable dome, although I'd rather have a one-piece hull, especially after 3+ years of experimentation, I've largely gotten my one, single hull. Now, the distorted hungry horse appears.
The waviness does not seem significant, but is apparent in these situations:
-- really close, zoomed-in inspection
-- Show Facet Edges is turned on
-- Create intersecting curves from a surface and look down in plan view
I've tried various options under Data. Nothing helps.