Originally Posted by: API Jol, the molds we make are single sided thermoforming molds. The backside of the molds are machined for venting or vacuum only. The largest molds we make are roughly 36" square and 4" tall or thick. Some are 6061 aluminum and some are cast plate aluminum, MIC-6. I'm not sure if I can be helpful, but feel free to email me.
Paul, We use GibbsCAM version 7.7. The new version has an totally re-written tool path engine so I think we are going to upgrade. We xfer files using DXF with imbedded SAT files, which works some of the time, we xfer SAT files and IGES files. Most of the mold work is done on a Mikron HSM600 with a 36k RPM spindle. It cuts fast with good finish.
I'm at GibbsCAM 8.31, but I got tired of waiting for a surfacing upgrade so I added Pro/Toolmaker (I seem to recall that unique used the ncgraphics version before PTC bought the company, but moved to another package) and I just upgraded to version 9.0, which now adds (optionally and at additional cost) 4th and 5th axis surfacing (it was 4th and 5th axis positioning in 8.0). I haven't used Pro/Toolmaker for a major mold yet (I machine molds out of cast iron now and then for a local aluminum casting company) but it does promises substantially reduced machining time through more efficient programming.
I'd like to see what GibbsCAM 2008 looks like with the new surfacing engine (which coincidentally might be a licensee of ncgraphics technology), but I'm still waiting and there is a one year back maintenance penalty plus a year's forward maintenance to get current. Gibbs is part of Cimatron now, so maybe we will finally see some more timely releases.
I've dabbled with BobCAD/CAM V22 pro, which is a watershed improvement over previous versions, but I'm not convinced of it as being reliable for molds yet.
YMMV, but it can be had for a lot less money than the others.
Anyway, thanks for the mold image.