Originally Posted by: ZeroLengthCurve "I made a mistake in the original thread. Two clicks with the Esc button and the text is deselected. I would wish for a third click on the Esc button to come out of a given mode and return to the select mode."
I too wish for something like that. I got too accustomed to (in AutoCAD) hitting Esc to terminate any command and return to select. However, *just* in case that is exclusive to ACAD (i don't know), ViaCAD could offer a user-set 1st and 2nd default depending on the speed and number of times Esc is tapped.
1 tap could be escape to select mode
2 taps could be re-enter the command just exited
3 taps could be show a palette of previously entered/aborted commands
4 taps could be show palette of commands for user-edit-mode (add/remove commands from Esc history tree)
Would that be nice?
Since posting the thread I have noticed to my surprise that short cut keys are like hitting the Icons. If you are in circle mode and hit
L for the line mode ( I Programed
Las a short cut for line tool, the circle mode is exited and the circle just drawn, if that be the case, is deselected and at once and your in the line mode. I am actually doing more with less clicks than I would have used in autocad and that's good. So what I have done is programed a bunch of short cut keys from the File/shortcuts from the menu bar. Now comes the trim tool. I was asked why I would want to erase whole entities from the trim tool. That's because it's like having an erase/trim tool all in one.
Now here is a useful trick that is working for me especially for the trim tool because it is a tool that does not deselect the selected entities when it starts. Program the select all tool with the
A key and deselect all with the
N key, the
N is for nothing selected in my mind. How to program that? From main menu click File/short cuts../ Pick the edit from the dialog box and you'll see these particular tools that can be assigned shortcut keys.
Now if an object is selected and then the trim tool is started you can't window selected objects. No problem hit the
N key and then A key. The
N deselects all and the
A selects all and your ready to trim erase anything on the screen without leaving the trim mode.