Hi @ all,
I have a problem with the Thicken-Tool, when I create a solid body from a lofted surface. Sometimes it is successful but very often it fails. There seems to be a dependence with the width of the guide curves and after many tries I can repeat the failure.
What I have done:
- Creating 3 or more curves for a body, asymetric rounded to all directions
- the first curve is laying flat, the others are standing upright
- I have signed 3 construction lines, line A / A' is only for orientation, B/B' // C/C' is the distance-area where the the Thicken-Tool is running fine, when the endpoints of my "base-line" are between this lines
- when my "base-line" is more width, so that the endpoints are between A/A' and B/B' than the Thicken-Tool fails.
- C/C' is only the smallest distance I have tested, desired is a width, greater than B/B' to A/A' - at the moment not possible -
- the Lofting-Tool is always working fine !
I can't see any reason for this reaction of the tool, perhaps somebody has a solution or knows the reason for this dependence between the width of the "base-line".
Possibly there are existing more dependences but I found out only this one.
I have attached some pictures and vcp-files in different stadium of drawing.
Best regards
horst.w, GER
Edited by user Saturday, June 10, 2017 3:13:52 PM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified
File Attachment(s):
(241kb) downloaded 14 time(s). No-Thicken-possible-Curves-Width.vcp
(52kb) downloaded 12 time(s).horst.w attached the following image(s):
BaseCurve Depending Width.jpg
(29kb) downloaded 13 time(s). Lofted Surface thick.jpg
(10kb) downloaded 13 time(s). No solution.jpg
(5kb) downloaded 10 time(s).You cannot view/download attachments. Try to login or register.