please help me about fill color in surface/solid
I want model electronic-capacitor for a simple 3D-PCB design prototype.
So I do it.
This is example of electronic-capacitor I want to model it.
I do model it using Cylinder Primitive. Just to make it simple.
Now I want to color it.
I do by Inspector:Fill Properties:Fill color. So I got the blue at a body and grey at 2 pins underbody.
But how do I fill color on top and side of body?
1.-top have round-circle of grey-metal color
2.- at 1-side have bar of grey-color mark for (-) polar , I just want to fill solid grey-color for simple , no text, no hatch.
I try to put 2D-line circle and straight-lint cross each other and fill color by Fill-tool.
Only on top-circle I can Fill grey color. But for 2D-line I can not.
It keep tell me "Valid hatch region not found" , even I placed line cross each other already. I just hope to fill color on solid within those region.
pic1. 2D circle on solid model
pic2. use fill tool to color on top of model
pic3. so I can fill color on top of model inside circle
pic4. next I try to fill another region on top of model after I draw 2D-line
pic5. "valid hatch region not found"
pic6. try again to fill color on side of cylinder model in 2D-line that I draw cross model
pic7. "Valid hatch region not found" again
pic8. my model and 2D-line that I've draw
pic9. my 2D-line only I hide the model.
I guess there must be things I misunderstand. Please let me know.
Also how to do it? How to fill color just like pictures before.
I new here. Is there better idea please tell me.
Thank so much!
Edited by user Monday, December 22, 2014 11:16:56 AM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified