Hi all,
While trying various things with text, I have come across a few things which seem very unusual, to say the least.
In the attached pic 'textprobs', the top line is regular text, converted to lines, then extruded. Before I could extrude it, I had to edit out a large quantity of spurious lines. It is also obvious that the letters 'r' and 't' are different! They did not extrude at all on the first attempt, and only extruded when I selected them individually. It can also be seen that most chars extruded in the -ve z direction, even though I entered the +ve z direction. When 'r' and 't' were selected, they extruded in the +ve z direction!
The second line of text was converted to curves, and showed no problems.
The third and fourth lines were done similarly (including the removal of spurious lines from the lines-converted text), but were additionally scaled, which showed a problem with the letter 'R' in the third line. I now know it is something to do with the 'direction' of the lines, but surely, it shouldn't happen!
I have included a second pic, 'lineconv', to show the spurious lines created with the conversion from text to lines. What is not visible in the pic is the few lines some 35000 units to the right! The text is only about 180 units long. If someone wants to look in the file, it may be found using 'select all'.
Are these bugs, or have I done something wrong?
Regards, Ian.
Sorry, I am unable to load the files! I will try again later.
ianjkirby attached the following image(s):
(39kb) downloaded 5 time(s). lineconv.jpg
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